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My aim is to support you to regain your health and wellness and become self-sufficient within a minimum time frame.

However, some people choose to stay on with me on an ongoing basis to keep their nutrition and lifestyle goals fine-tuned and feeling great! 

Rachel Friesen Office

Your amazing body is sending you these signals (symptoms) in the hope you will listen and nourish it with the right healing foods, nutrients and environment, it needs to come back into balance and make you feel your best self. Using these signals as clues we can work together to better understand the root cause of what is happening in your body.  There is no one-size fits all approach in functional nutritional therapy, as we are such unique, bio-individual beings and need to be treated as such.


The RESTART® programme is a simple, powerful way to give your body a much needed holiday from sugar and processed foods. An awesome chance to “clean the slate”.

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